মিসরের সদ্যনির্বাচিত প্রেসিডন্ট নির্বাচনী প্রচারণার সময় বলেছিলেন, শরিয়া আইনই হবে সে দেশের সংবিধান, জিহাদই একমাত্র পথ, আল্লাহর নামে মৃত্যুই তাদের সর্বোচ্চ উচ্চাকাঙ্ক্ষা…
পাঠিয়েছেন: কজমিক ডাস্ট |
মিসরীয় আরেক ইসলামবাজের স্বপ্নদোষ: ধর্মীয় আইন প্রয়োগ করলে মিসর পৃথিবীর সবচেয়ে শক্তিশালী দেশে পরিণত হবে, হবে সুইডেনের চেয়েও ধনী…
ছোট্ট দুটো স-ট্র্যান্সক্রিপ্ট ভিডিও। সাকুল্যে আট মিনিট।
Following are excerpts from a speech delivered by then Egyptian presidential candidate Mohamed Morsi, which aired on Misr 25 TV, and was posted on Youtube, on May 13, 2012.
Mohamed Morsi: [in the 1920’s, the Egyptians] said: “The constitution is our Koran.” They wanted to show that the constitution is a great thing. But Imam [Hassan] Al-Banna, Allah’s mercy upon him, said to them: “No, the Koran is our constitution.”
The Koran was and will continue to be our constitution.
The Koran will continue to be our constitution.
Mohamed Morsi: The Koran is our constitution.
Crowds: The Koran is our constitution.
Mohamed Morsi: The Prophet Muhammad is our leader.
Crowds: The Prophet Muhammad is our leader.
Mohamed Morsi: Jihad is our path.
Crowds: Jihad is our path.
Mohamed Morsi: And death for the sake of Allah is our most lofty aspiration.
Crowds: And death for the sake of Allah is our most lofty aspiration.
Mohamed Morsi: Above all – Allah is our goal.
The shari’a, then the shari’a, and finally, the shari’a. This nation will enjoy blessing and revival only through the Islamic shari’a. I take an oath before Allah and before you all that regardless of the actual text [of the constitution]… Allah willing, the text will truly reflect [the shari’a], as will be agreed upon by the Egyptian people, by the Islamic scholars, and by legal and constitutional experts…
Rejoice and rest assured that this people will not accept a text that does not reflect the true meaning of the Islamic shari’a as a text to be implemented and as a platform. The people will not agree to anything else.
Following are excerpts from a Friday sermon delivered by Egyptian cleric Sheik Muhammad Sallah, which aired on Al-Hekma TV on May 4, 2012:
Muhammad Sallah: [In the West] they want to clone the civil strife that has afflicted Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, and Afghanistan. Yet the Islamic world has not collapsed. They have realized that the collapse of the Islamic world must begin in Egypt. Be sure not to allow any room for civil strife to afflict this country. If civil strife afflicts Egypt, it will spell the death of Islam. I say this loud and clear.
If you consider all the triumphs over the oppressors and infidels in modern times – they were all achieved under Egyptian commanders. In Afghanistan, with the help of the Arab mujahideen, they brought down the Soviet Union. The commanders of the Arab mujahideen were from Egypt. When the first Arab mujahideen reached Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo, they defeated Serbia. That’s right, my dear brothers. When the first mujahideen reached Libya, they improved the military equipment there, they defeated and toppled Al-Qadhafi.
Now Syria pleads for your help. It pleads for Egypt to save it from Bashar. This is proof that the collapse of Egypt would spell the collapse of the Islamic world, and the success of Egypt would mean the success of the Islamic world.
Your country is the Mother of the World, where the best of soldiers are. The [West] does not want this courageous people to enjoy stability or security.
You are wrong in your assessment that if Islam comes to power, people’s hands will be chopped off. This would mean that we are thieves. Are we really thieves? They say that Islam will stone people. This would mean that we are fornicators. Are we really fornicators? They say that people’s hands and feet on alternate sides will be chopped off. This would mean that we have committed hiraba. But we are not like that. This people rejects sin and rebels against tyranny. The shari’a of Allah is the way to resolve crises.
If we accept the demands of Allah and implement His laws, we will live according to His words: “If the people of the towns had but believed and feared Allah, we should have opened for them all kinds of blessings from heaven and earth.”
The best proof of this is Saudi Arabia. Abraham said [to Allah]: “My Lord, I have made some of my offspring dwell in a valley without cultivation, near Thy Sacred House.” But this “valley without cultivation” exports wheat, this “valley without cultivation” received bounty from the skies. Thus, airplanes carrying pilgrims in their millions have landed there. The people in that country live a life of plenty, after having lived a life of hardship, poverty, and deprivation. The land gives forth minerals and petroleum, and it has become one of the wealthiest countries. Why? It is thanks to the law of Allah.
If a country with no potential for wealth can live in such abundance and joy, it is needless to say what would become of a country full of natural resources, if it implemented the law of Allah. By Allah, [Egypt] would be the mightiest nation of the world. It would be richer than Sweden, and its per capita income would be higher than any European country. Hence, our enemies do not want us to have stability, prosperity, or security, and they are constantly instigating civil strife, which afflicts the people like wildfire.Therefore, you must be vigilant. Be vigilant.
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