লিখেছেন অর্ণব খান
নিচের হাদিসগুলোতে মুহাম্মদের ইনসেস্ট চরিত্র দেখা যাচ্ছে, তা-ও নিজ কন্যা ফাতেমাকে নিয়ে। হাদিসগুলো বাংলাদেশি মমিনরা স্বীকার করবে না যদিও, তবে আরবের মমিনরা স্বীকার করে।
Whenever I long for paradise, I kiss the throat of Fatimah.
[Fadhael-Al-Khamsah Vol. 03 pg. 127]
It was narrated that [ Imam ] Ja`far Ibn Muhamad p.b.u.h said : The prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h used to put his face between the breasts of [ his daughter ] Fatima before going to sleep”
[Bihaar al-Anwar, Vol. 43, p. 78]
Dhakhear al-Uqbi, ‘Aisha said:
“Once the Messenger of Allah kissed Fatima’s throat, so I said, ‘Messenger of Allah! You have done something which you have not done before!’ The Prophet answered, ‘Aisha, whenever I long for Paradise, I kiss Fatima’s throat.’”
[Musnad Ahmad Vol.02, pg.293]
Ibn Abbas said : ‘ Aisha entered the house while the Messenegr of Allah was kissing Fatima (s.a.), so she said: ‘ Do you love her, O Messenger of Allah? ‘He replied : ‘ Indeed, by Allah if you knew the extent of my love for her, your love would increase for her. When I was in the forth heaven … that I found these dates softer than butter, more pleasent than musk and sweeter than honey. So when I descended to earth, I came unto Khadija and she bore Fatima. Thus Fatima is a human huri, whenever I long for paradise I smell her.
[Lisan Al Mizan Volume 03 page 346]
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